Fast Forward Guidelines

Fast Forward Guidelines

The Fast Forward session will be held during the welcome session on Monday, April 22nd, 2024. At least one author of each Full Paper, Short Paper and Education Paper will be presenting a 35-second preview of the talk. All the presentations for Fast Forward will be embedded in a movie.

We ask authors to prepare:

  1. PowerPoint title slide that will be used to present the title of the paper, authors, and their affiliations. The use of Template EG2024 slides is mandatory for the title slide. Please make sure that the authors’ order is the same as in your paper.
  2. 35-second video that will present the main contributions of the paper (DO NOT put any title slide in this 35-second video, as it will be added by the organizers). Alternatively, if authors cannot provide the 35-second video, they may deliver a static image that will be displayed for 35 seconds. Voice-over is allowed and will be played along the video.
  3. Please name both video and title slide files with the paper’s ID (e.g., if the paper ID is 123, you are supposed to upload 2 files: 123.pptx and 123.mp4)

For your own movie (35 seconds), you are only bound by the limits of your imagination. Eurographics 2024 has several concurrent sessions each day, and attendees will decide which presentations to attend based (in part) on the preview during the Fast Forward session. Creativity is highly encouraged!

The video format should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • File format: MP4
  • Encoder: H264 (with possibly the highest compression quality)
  • Resolution: 720p
  • Frame rate: 30 FPS
  • Max file size: 500 MB
  • Sound: 44100Hz
  • Subtitle: English (optional)

We will collect all the material for all the papers, then assemble them into a single movie. We will strictly enforce our formatting guidelines (see below), including the 35-second time limit on your own content.



Submit your Fast Forward materials directly to the Fast Forward organizer at Submit a unique mail for each paper using the title «EG2024 FF: [track] [paper ID] [title] » (replace [paper ID] with the ID of your submission, [track] by Full Paper or Short Paper or Education Paper [title] with the title of your paper).


If you submitted a paper titled “My Title” to the Short Paper track, and it got assigned ID 123, the subject of the mail should be as follows: EG2024 FF: Short Paper 123 My Title

Upon receipt, we will send you a confirmation e-mail. For submissions larger than 5 MB in size, please include a link from where your materials can be downloaded.


Formatting Guidelines

Assembling these presentations is a huge task, and we request that you help by adhering to the following guidelines. The session and paper title screen will be included before every video by organizers (hence the need for the title slide). The entire Fast Forward presentation will be pre-recorded as a movie. You will not have the ability to go back or make your talk last longer.

Although there are no strict guidelines for the visual design of the Fast Forward video, we offer a PowerPoint template that can be utilized to maintain a consistent style throughout the entire Fast Forward session.

We will be screening at 720p (aspect ratio: 16:9). Please optimize your videos for these projector settings.

Audio is welcome. If you use audio in your video, please have it encoded in AAC format and also ensure that the recorded voice-over has decent quality and spans within acceptable levels (-12 to -6 dB — not too quiet, not too loud). If you add the music, please keep it on a relatively low level, so your narration can be heard. The audio track can be easily normalized to correct audio levels with the use of the free software Audacity.

Video files should be encoded in H264 and embedded in MP4 (do NOT use QuickTime (.mov) or other formats). Please use compression with the highest possible quality that does not exceed the file size limit of 500 MB.

Do not hesitate to contact the Fast Forward organizer at if you have further questions. If you are unable to attend the Fast Forward, please let us know as soon as possible.


Submission Deadline

All the material (title slide .pptx and .mp4 files) must be submitted by Friday, April 5th, 2024, 23:59 UTC for Full Paper, Short Paper and Education Paper tracks.