Speaker's Information

Speakers’ information

The Eurographics 2024 conference will be held in in-person mode. Presenters are asked to bring their presentation on a USB in PowerPoint or PDF format. You will need to transfer your file to the  computer prior to the start of the session. We are unable to accept presentations on personal laptops given the technical complication of the equipment. Please contact us at the registration desk in case you require special arrangements (e.g. use of personal computer with specific software).

We do not require any in advance sending of your slides or pre-recording of your presentation. All presentations will be delivered live.

The use of the PowerPoint template is recommended. We will be screening at 720p (aspect ratio: 16:9). Please optimize your slides and videos for these projector settings.


Length of presentations

  • Full paper: a 20-minute presentation/video +/- 10 minutes for questions
  • Education paper: a 20-minute presentation/video +/- 10 minutes for questions
  • Short paper: a 15-minute presentation/video +/- 7 minutes for questions


STAR Presentations

90 minutes have been set aside for each STAR paper. The recommended layout would be to allocate 60-70 minutes for the presentation itself, 5-minute for a short break (should it be required by the presenter), followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.


Mark Sixma